Carrier Loan Process


Process carrier accounts efficiently by gathering client data, ensuring accurate forms and signatures, verifying school districts through 403bcompare, and locating necessary TPA documents. Merge all files, including voided checks, for Ryan's final review before submitting them to the associated active carrier.


Step 1: Identify Carrier Account: Log in to relevant platforms (e.g., NLG, MNL, or Advisors Excel via SuranceBay).

Step 2: Complete the form: Gather necessary data from Wealthbox, carrier contracts, or Info email.

Step 3: Obtain Signatures: Ensure forms are signed and returned without erasures. If corrections are needed, add a signature and date. Confirm if the client has a voided check on file (CRM, Drive, Email). If not, consult Ryan to request or prepare one.

Step 4: Check School District: Use 403bcompare to identify the school district, not just the school. Confirm if the district acts as the TPA.

Step 5: Locate Sample Forms: Search Wealthbox under Elizabeth Brasil's "TPA Preview" documents and submit as needed.

Step 6: Approval and Final Documents: Once TPA's approved, ensure signed loan forms and the voided check are included.

Step 7: Combine Files: Merge all documents (ie. TPA, Loan Form Signed - Clear & Check) using IlovePDF.

Step 8: Final Review: Send the merged file to Ryan for review before submission to the carrier.

Step 9: Submit and Follow Up: Submit the documents to the carrier and follow up the next day to confirm receipt and verify that all paperwork is in good order.

Step 10: Monitor Transaction History: Check the transaction history on the carriers site to confirm if funds have been withdrawn or shown.

Step 11: 5th Business Day Check: On the 5th business day, call the carrier to confirm the process has been completed if the debit is not yet reflected in the client’s bank account.